
Jérémy Firozaly





DMA - UMR 8553
Ecole Normale Supérieure
45 rue d'Ulm - F
75230 PARIS cedex 05



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About me

I am a doctor in Mathematics. I got my PhD degree at CERMICS (ENPC ParisTech school) and at DMA (ENS ULM). I am studying the effect of reaction time of drivers and of the phase shift between lights on traffic flow within the framework of viscosity solutions for Hamilton-Jacobi equations.

PhD Thesis : Homogénéisation d’équations de Hamilton-Jacobi et applications au trafic routier.
PhD supervisor : Régis MONNEAU
PhD Co-supervisor : Cyril IMBERT

Since 2015: Teacher in Paris Dauphine University (undergraduate level). Subject: Real analysis, free and constrained optimization.

Details (in French): Professeur de mathématiques en Licence 1 DEGEAD (filière économie-gestion). Classe de 36 élèves, cours magistral et TD durant 22 séances d'1h30. Soutien bénévole lors de séances supplémentaires. Préparation et correction d'examens écrits et oraux de contrôles continus.

Since 2016: Free tutoring in Mathematics and Physics in "Science ouverte" organization.

My articles can be found on arXiv here.

Engineering dregree in Applied Mathematics at ENSTA ParisTech and MSc Degree of Applied Mathematics at Imperial College of London.

Here is my CV (French version here).